A downloadable book for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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An Original Dark Fantasy Setting

Welcome to the immersive and darkly enchanting realm of Ezora, where knights and legends converge in the rich tapestry of Dark Ink's fantasy setting. Building upon the success of its predecessor, Dark Ink revitalizes the perilous world of Ezora, offering players a journey into a lore-rich and vibrant universe.

As you embark on your adventure, the introduction page itself serves as a gateway to world immersion, reminiscent of the poetic allure found in Shakespearean tales. Dive deeper into the realms of Ezorian lore with 30 dedicated pages, each meticulously crafted to enhance your understanding of this dark fantasy world. The compact yet comprehensive design of 3e ensures that everything you need to begin your adventure is presented without unnecessary bloat, adhering to the principle that great things come in small packages.

Exploring The Core Mechanics

Exploring the core mechanics unveils the intricate process of character creation. Choose from five distinct classes and three diverse world races, each with their own unique attributes, pros, and cons. The selection of a class is followed by the crucial decision of race, with stats that interact dynamically with the base stats of the chosen class. Players are then equipped with a limited amount of Kescs to spend on their hero's starting gear, a careful balance between necessity and avoiding over-encumbrance.

The journey continues with the selection of skills and wizardry from a diverse roster. Magick, drawn from the Incunabulum Arcana, encompasses benevolent and malevolent spells ranging from healing to elemental manipulation and summoning. The Mage class, in particular, excels in the art of magick manipulation. As your hero progresses from amateur to master expertise, access to even more potent spells becomes available. However, with great power comes great risk, especially in the realm of blood magick, where the line between power and peril is thin.

This description provides only a glimpse into the intricate and detail-rich core rules that await within Knights & Legends: Dark Ink. The game caters to both players and Game Masters, offering infinite possibilities, incredible flexibility, and unique game mechanics. Whether you prefer short adventures or intricate quests, the game accommodates your preferences. Its DIY module empowers Game Masters and players alike, providing total control over uniquely crafted adventures in the vast and perilous world of Ezora. Dark Ink now features a nostalgic and consistent dark ink design with all-new content, catering to seasoned veterans and newcomers alike.

Dark Ink Dice Sim Included!

Dark Ink Dice Sim, an added bonus, brings the theme to life with a polyhedral dice simulator for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, enhancing the gaming experience for all players. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia and consistency of Dark Ink's design while exploring new content in this captivating dark fantasy setting. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of Ezora, Knights & Legends: Dark Ink awaits, promising an unforgettable journey into the realms of knights and legends.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Knights & Legends: Dark Ink 3e (Core Book) 9.6 MB
Dark Ink Dice Sim - Windows 37 MB
Dark Ink Dice Sim - Mac 39 MB
Dark Ink Dice Sim - Linux 41 MB


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  $5 is almost tempting.  I'd love to do a review on this sometime.